Announcement to the Shareholders of Holcim (Liban) SAL And Invitation to an Extraordinary General Assembly


In conformity with the law no. 75 dated 3/11/2016 that prohibits joint stock companies from issuing bearer shares and “shares to order”. Said companies which have bearer shares and shares to order are compelled to replace the said shares, issued before the promulgation of the said law, by nominative shares within one year from the effective date of the law. Moreover, these companies need to amend their by-laws as per the abovementioned provisions within a period not exceeding the date of their next Ordinary General Assembly.

It is also noteworthy that in application to the said law, holders of bearer shares and to order, having not exchanged their shares by nominative ones within the one year period from the effective date of the law 75/2016 will not benefit from their full rights as shareholders and will not be able to be elected as members in the Board of Directors of the company until the exchange of bearer into nominative shares takes place. Furthermore, the ownership of the non-exchanged bearer shares and to order will be transferred to the Lebanese State after the elapse of two years from the effective date of the law.

Consequently, and in the light of the law no. 75 dated 3/11/2016, the Board of Directors of Holcim (Liban) SAL invites the shareholders of the company to an Extraordinary General Assembly that will take place on Monday February 13, 2017 at 4h00 PM at Le Royal Hotel in order to deliberate on the following agenda:

1-    Amend the by-laws of the company in application of the law No. 75 published in the Official Gazette on 3/11/2016.

2-    Decide on the practical measures for the exchange procedure from bearer to nominative shares.

3-    Empower the Board of Directors to take all necessary steps and decisions in order to execute the decisions taken by the General Assembly in application of the law No. 75/2016.

4-    Election of a new Board member.

5-    Miscellaneous.


Heri, December 5th, 2016

       Holcim (Liban) SAL

   The Board of Directors